Tuesday, July 25, 2006

July 25, 2006

Tonka is still on vacation. I really need to be working with him on hoof trimming practice, but I haven't been. It's been HOT. And I've been really busy with family visiting and other stuff. Seems like there's never a dull moment. Now I've got a cold but I'm still functioning okay. But anyway, back to my mustang, not me... I don't know if his leg is still sore or not. He looked great running through the pasture yesterday (I can't wait to ride that boy!) but that's not quite the same as training.

I finally got to ride with my husband again! It's been about a year. My dad's horse is here again, so we rode the two Sox's again. But this time I rode Sox, my dad's horse, and John rode Soxy, my horse. He got a little irritated at her wanting to go too fast, especially through ditches, but other than that I think it went well. Sox was pretty good for me. Same problem with the trotting when I didn't ask him to. I had John ride Soxy in a halter and maybe that wasn't the greatest idea. But anyway, I'm hopeful we can do this again sometime. Preferrably out on a trail or something, but I don't think the horses are in condition to carry us for long yet. Oh, and if you hadn't already guessed because we were riding her, Soxy didn't cough once. Awesome.

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