Monday, November 27, 2006

Tonka was such an incredibly good boy for his trim today. I just trimmed his fronts, because I know how hard it is for a young horse to stay focused on one task for long, and I'm not a very quick trimmer. As it was he was mouthing my back and licking snow off the leadrope and basically being distracted. He stood like a rock whenever I picked up his foot though. Then when I'd put it down he'd do a little bit of defensive behavior, backing up and facing me and all the tools, like he'd rather I wasn't next to his leg. But when I went back to work he was still as could be. Well, other than the snow licking and such.

Then I trimmed Lyric's fronts, because I may as well get 4 hooves done. Tonka thought he needed to hang around for moral support, and then help with the tools when I left them alone for a minute. Later I was taking pictures and Soxy decided that I really should be petting her, so she came up behind me and nudged me. It was very sweet. I wish I had more time just to be out in the pasture hanging out with them. It's nice when they include me in their lives.

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