Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Look at my boy! This is a before and after comparison with exactly 8 months in between. The first picture is his second day here, learning to put a web halter on over his other halter. The second was yesterday. (Do you see the white stuff flying in both? Neat. Cottonwood cotton in one, snow in the other). He's sure grown. Probably about a hand in height, and you can see the difference in bulk. Some of that is winter fuzz, of course.

I have another blog here, www.horsetales.blogspot.com. I wrote a post there tonight that I like if you want to check it out.

Question for you: Do you think it's silly that I keep my mustang blog separate from my general horse blog? So much overlaps, but I wanted a blow-by-blow of just the mustang training. Not a lot of training going on lately... And, I must admit, I have even a third blog, which generally does not discuss horses, and is mainly for family type stuff that my family type people might be more interested in. My only family member that likes horses doesn't read any of these. I was thinking I'd spare them the horse chatter. Actually now that I think about it, my family doesn't read that one either... I'm not talking about my husband, I think he reads them all.

Okay, now I realize I'm just babbling. Good night!

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