Friday, February 16, 2007

Mud monster!

Pretty foot!

What's over here?

This is kind of scary!

I don't wanna!

Okay, I did it, now I get some grass...

What a beautiful day today! Bright sun, a little less mud, and lots of time spent with my boy. I trimmed his feet, which he was very good for. Well, he did kick me... I'm not sure he meant to, but I think he probably knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted his right hind back, and I didn't give it to him, and he ended up taking it, with a little tap against my thigh JUST after he got it back. Quite quick. He got in big trouble, had to back all over the place, circle and yield a lot, and then right back to trimming. He didn't do it again. Other than that he did really well.

Then I got him onto the driveway to check my trim, since it's a hard level surface. And we went for a small walk halfway up the driveway, played in some puddles, and then walked out into some standing water in the long grass. Went back, looked in the tack/feed shed, gave him a bite of Roseanne's alfalfa. Sniffed a tarp. Then on to the field where the board and the branches are, and walked over both, calmly and slowly. Took some patience, don't get me wrong, because he didn't really want to, and then he wanted to rush the second half, but we got it done right after a try or two. Then on down the driveway to see the Sox's and check out the drainage ditch there. I got him to WALK over it, rather than jump, at a point where the banks weren't high, but where the banks were higher he insisted on jumping. I think he knew what I wanted, as I could shut down his jump and get him to step one foot at a time at the shallow spot, but he just didn't want to walk down into the creek where the banks were higher. Went back, did a slight amount more work on one hoof, and then reluctantly put him away.

He was so relaxed today! Not so boogery around the yard where all the toys are. And happy to be out and about, I think.

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