Monday, March 19, 2007

Our day in pictures:

Tonka following me on Danni, ponying himself. He looks so small from way up there!

Only pic of ponying. He did pretty well, but tried to refuse to go quite a bit.

After ponying, Danni napping, and Tonka a little sweated up but not worn out.

Just after the two of them went through an electric tape gate together. Good horses!

Doesn't he look so grown up, tied by his friend like that? All he needs is a saddle.

Lyric all bug-eyed and hollering, freaked out because BOTH of his friends are out playing.

My favorite grooming tool in spring.

Tonka, directly after:

Trying out my favorite grooming tool. I don't think it was his favorite!

Lyric, coming to greet his buddies as we head back for the gate.

Later in the day, the "horse playground." It's hard to see, but there are a bunch of branches on the ground, that's the "clearcut area," the tarp is our horse-eating bog, and the sheet of OSB just may be horse-eating too, and the bales with pole are just to get them stepping up and over. Can't think of a cool nickname for that. "Gigantic log" maybe.

Soxy, the good, steadfast ole trail horse.

Aren't they cute? They rode over all the obstacles too, but these were just the cutest pics. Katia saddled her own horse today!!! Yay!

These are the same pictures, with my possible future pickup decal in black and white. I'm not sure, I may want to wait until he sheds out and get a better picture. Heck, maybe I'll just have to put two decals on, one for winter and one for summer.

Tonka did the obstacles pretty well. The tarp was his biggest hang-up, but I did get him to put 2/3 of both front feet on, and one whole front foot.

It was a great day! Now I have a slight sunburn. It's definitely getting on toward spring.

(Just a quick reminder, because I NEVER rember this... I think you can click on the picture to see it full-size.)

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