Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Boy howdy, I am so in love with my horse. We had another great ride today. Not perfect, mind you, but darn near. He's doing so well for a young punk. No major over-reactions, no major problems. He's just a good boy. And so sweet. I had a hard time leaving him.

I rode him in my own gear today, and Danni's saddle fit him just fine. He had no issues with switching from an O-ring to a D-ring snaffle. I had to borrow a pad (I think I want an air ride pad) and a running martingale. I did order myself a running martingale yesterday, got a great deal on eBay. Hopefully it'll be here by the end of the week.

I've been having some issues with reins, since I'm not used to using leather split reins. But with the running martingale I can't use anything with a bit snap, so I can't use my favorite reins. I will get the hang of it. Or better yet, find a safe way to use my favorite reins anyway.

I'll be going back out on Thursday, and riding him out on the range. Then again on Friday, and I think I'll just bring him home. I don't see any real reason not to. If I run into something I don't feel I can handle I'll leave him there. But I don't think that'll happen.

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