Wednesday, October 24, 2007

If you go WAY back almost to the beginning of this blog, you'll read about my bidding experience when I got Tonka, and how I almost had a heart attack. Someone was bidding against me and I just couldn't lose him. Which we all know I didn't, now, but at the time it was SO stressful. Months later, I "met" the other bidder online. We've been hanging out (online) a lot since then. She lives a a long ways from me so virtual visiting is all we've been able to do so far. She and her daughter adopted Quiet Storm, a really neat little silver bay, after I outbid them on Tonka. Then they got a reassignment mustang filly and adopted another two year old this year. You'll find the links to Tracey's mustang blog and her other farm type blog (where she milks sheep and makes soaps and lotions and does all kinds of other fun stuff) in my list of the blogs I read off to the side here.

Anyway, to get to the point, Tracey is planning on starting a mustang rescue and rehabilitation facility. There are a lot of throw-away horses in the world, especially every fall when people realize they need to buy hay, and Tracey really wants to help those of the feral persuasion. So go check out her website. She has some fun fund-raisers, and is going to (hopefully) set up a Kitty Lauman clinic next year somewhere near Seattle (sorry, all those towns are "near Seattle" to me, not sure exactly where anything is over there) to help raise funds for her equine endeavor. Here's the site:

Check back here later and I'll have some buttons on the side where you can click and shop, and a portion of the purchase price will go to the Wild Horse Rehabilitation and Rescue Center.

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