Friday, October 26, 2007

So I had to share with y'all, because although it's weird and funny, I figured other horse people would understand.

I stopped by a local store that's closing out all their horse stuff, hoping to find a sweet iron snaffle for Tonka. They had a few that looked like sweet iron but didn't say. So, very discreetly, I taste tested them. Have you ever done that? I must admit I've done it berfore even on bits I knew were sweet iron. Just to see what it was like. One of them, of course the cheapest, was NASTY. It tasted like a dirty old penny. And don't ask my why I know that. Haven't all kids stuck pennies in their mouths? (And learned that's a bad idea, eww.) There was one that was really pretty and would have been about $18, but I got a plain one that was only $10. Good deal!

Now I'm going out to try it out and see how he likes it. I have to hurry and try to keep my ride very short, since I have SO much to do.

You probably won't be seeing any entries from me for the next 5 days or so. I'm going to visit family in western Washington, so nothing horsey to blog about... John'll be guarding of the home front.

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