Monday, November 05, 2007

Rode Tonka today, lots of fiddling around in the round pen. Before riding we did a bunch of ground exercises. Began teaching him to move his hindquarters toward me, and sidepass toward me! Really, really cool. Learned how yesterday from the trainer my sister is working with. I'm going to start taking lessons from her as well. I'll explain it later, I'm tired and want to just share my pics. :)

I "round penned" him for the first time in his life today. Just for the heck of it. It wasn't very interesting. But I got a nice picture!
At the end of our riding time we opened the gate semi-successfully, and closed it successfully! Woo hoo for us! I figure if he knows he's done after opening and closing the gate, he might learn real quick! Then again he might get too excited about being done and forget to think...

After the ride he got in a good roll:

And I played with Bella, who went out without a drag rope today. She also let me look at her teeth. Scary looking. Dunno if this is normal shedding of caps or not, have a call in to an equine dentist. I need to have her out to visit Soxy anyway, and now that I sold a saddle and a horse, I'm going to spend the money on it. Lovely smile, eh?

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