Monday, December 31, 2007

Here's my big handsome goof watching the four wheelers (turned out not to be a snowmobile).

Here's Bella's pretty self. My camera really doesn't pick up color well in the snow. There's probably a setting I don't know about that will compensate for that. I'm a lazy picture taker.

Here's what I found sleeping in my bed yesterday, a little while after my son left the room. Angus LOVES to sleep in my spot. Not sure why he's always dirtying up MY side of the bed...

Here's a cute (if fuzzy) picture of Maya, telling me all about how she loves to help with chores.

I spoke too soon about Tonka being well. I assumed, based on poo piles and a lack of nastiness in his tail and on his back legs, that things had firmed up. He had a little squirt while I was out there though. Very little. I think he is improved a lot, if not totally well.

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