Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm grumpy. Some people have poor planning skills or something. Well, we all do at times... But there's one thing I don't really feel wishy-washy and forgiving about. I like to look at both sides, I understand that circumstances aren't always ideal. People get sick, people don't have time, etc, etc. But this I firmly and strongly believe: People need to quit breeding horses that there is no market for! If your horses are crap, don't breed them. If you think they're breeding quality but nobody is buying, don't breed them! Especially once your herd numbers get so large that your property and your pocketbook can't handle it. Castrate your stallions and start scrambling to find homes for them all! Don't wait until months after you ran out of hay, hoping to talk someone who was just trying to help into paying top dollar for your horses, then send them to their deaths! For $30 a head! Poor, emaciated, sick creatures. Babies and pregnant mares. All loving and looking for attention. Sickening.

My sister called me crying from the livestock yard today, made me cry, because she'd fallen in love with a pregnant mare, starved and snot nosed. She made the mistake of watching her go through the sale and watched the kill buyer win the bidding on her. $30 and the sad cruel end of what was once a bright and shining living creature. Well, of course she's not dead yet, these things take time. He has to get her and the others up to Canada, and he may feed them up first. Actually she may still live, my sister talked a friend into going down tomorrow to try to buy her from the guy. But all the others... And I can't save them. I just can't. There's a limit to what a person can do, and we can't all be responsible and pay for the idiocy of others, even if standing aside means the painful snuffing out of a terrified being and her unborn, unknowing wee tiny foal.

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