Friday, February 15, 2008

Bella didn't want to play with me today. I cried. She doesn't love me! No, really I didn't. I just waited for her to change her mind. Didn't take too long. And I got to walk the length of the pasture in the snow. She's just looking after my health, making sure I get plenty of exercise. Just like I look after hers, sending her running every now and then just by walking in with a halter.

We immediately went out the gate, which had a scary plastic banner near it, and I decided I couldn't take her out in public without brushing her first, so I did that. Then we went for a walk up the driveway and down the road. At one point, halfway down the driveway, she decided she didn't like this idea, and didn't want me driving her forward, so she decided to have a bit of a backward run. I encouraged her, it's good exercise for those butt muscles. But you have to keep it up until it really starts burning those glutes. So I pushed her a while longer than had been her original plan. After that she figured it would be easier just to walk forward. She had to pause at the top, as all the horses do, to take in the scenery.
Then we headed down to the neighbors, and she was surprised to see horses there. The two colts didn't excite her too much, but she had to do a little dance when the other four got all riled up and were pressing against the fence and running around. The rest of the walk was pretty uneventful. I should probably be glad no cars went by.
Next she had her first tying lesson. I didn't tie her. Just parked her there and held the other end of the lead. Those of you who have been here with me through Tonka's training may remember that it took some doing to get him to step on those stall mats. Not so for Bella, she didn't even look twice at them. These two horses are totally different beasties. She stood very patiently too.
I groomed her a bunch more and ended up with a mouthful of hair. Cowboy Magicked her hair but I only braided the forelock. It's nice to see her eyes! I now know what my mom felt like when I was a teenager.

Speaking of grooming, do you think she should wax her mustache?

1 comment:

  1. No, she'll get a job at the circus easier with the mustache...

    Have I told you I love Bella? Don't tell Tonka, but she may be my favorite. Only because she reminds me so much of Sunny...she has that same sort of far away, dreamy look to her eye. The kind that says, "I'll do it if you really want me to, but you know I really belong to the wind..."
