Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Dark Side of the Horse

I may not have confessed this before, but I am lazy. I do what I must, and I get along... And I actually don't spend all that much time sitting on my butt, most days. But nevertheless I am lazy. Which is why I ended up with this situation:

Well, at least the water isn't my fault. And that stall is relatively clean because I did clean it daily before the big snows came. But the far stall, it is gross.

I can't seem to get the idea that I really shouldn't overfill my wheelbarrow with that highly condensed caked poo. Because it's up hill all the way to the dumping spot. And there are a few places where I want to shoot myself in the leg because it's too hard. But then I go back and get my pitchfork and I manually scoop some of the load into the poop pile, which makes it possible to get the wheelbarrow to where I need it. When I go back and load up again, I make sure I put less in it, but somehow it's just as hard to move. Finally, at the end, I was filling it below the top of the wheelbarrow, and I managed not to rip my arms off getting it dumped.

All the work is worth it though, because there's a leggy little bundle of joy in that big belly, and it needs a clean place to be born.


  1. LOL, we are soooo much alike!

    I can't wait for the baby!! Any idea how far she is away now?

  2. I can relate, Andrea. To the lazy part, to the dirty stall part, to the water part...

    Bella still looks a bit off; baby isn't back far enough to my way of thinking.

    Have you guys seen the new widget I've got on my blog? Lists the last ten posts from horsey blogs. Pretty cool; you should get one!

  3. I think she has a ways to go yet. Nothing at all is going on. Sigh. BUT, on the bright side, that gives me time to get my stall in order, which is obviously going to take some doing...

  4. Oh, and Tracey, that widget sounds neat. I'm going to check it out now.
