Friday, February 08, 2008

Horse people, check this out!
(It's free.)

I've been wanting something like this for a long time. See, we're kind of an odd family. We opted for satellite internet, the only kind of high-speed we can get, instead of TV. So I lost my RFDTV horse training shows when we gave up Dish Network. (By the way, we love our WildBlue service.)

I've checked out one of the trainers on Nicker Network and so far I like what I see. They have channels for all kinds of disciplines. Dressage, harness, long ears, western, etc. Go have a look.


  1. Howdy. First, you and I were both tagged by Tracey for a bucket list. I appreciate your list and left a short comment beneath it. I wanted to stop by and see what kind of dandies Tracey connected me to. Looks like I'm in good company.

    Second, I have bookmarked the nickernetwork. That is a great site. Thanks.

  2. Paul, I've checked out your hat blog in the past. I must have linked to it from Tracey somehow... I like it a lot! I just saw that you have a couple other blogs too, I'll have to check them out.
