Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tonka and I got in another great ride today. I had to walk him to the highway to meet my sister and hitch a ride in her trailer. He spooked at the neighbor's appies. Apparently all those spots are scary. Stepped on my foot. When we got down there he loaded right up with cars going by and everything. Then we rode in the arena for a while, met some cute mules, and came home. I decided to ride him from the highway to the house, since he'd walked so well earlier. He was watching a lot of things very closely, but only startled once. Just a quick spook in place and then we moved on. I was so proud of him! This was his first ride up the road with no other horsey companions. It was a good day! It's very obvious that he prefers outside riding with scenery to arena riding. My sister was laughing at him as we trotted around. She said she could just see his thoughts running in ever direction. Obviously the work isn't enough to keep his mind occupied. Having a mentally active horse can be a challenge...

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