Friday, March 21, 2008

I got so much good sleep last night! Bella didn't do anything suspicious until morning, she stayed laying down for quite a while, so I went and checked on her and fed early. Her bag developed a fair amount last night. Unfortunately for some reason I took my wallet out there instead of my camera, so I couldn't take pics for comparison...

I am so tired of conflicting advice! Not that I don't love advice, because I am not experienced at this sort of thing. I am very appreciative of the help. But I have people telling me to watch her closely, it could be any time, and I have people telling me she's a long ways off. All of these people know what they're talking about, have been breeding horses for many years. So why are they in disagreement? Probably because mares are fickle! My sister went to the vet yesterday and after looking at the broodmare band there, said Bella must have a LONG way to go. However... Bella is a maiden (horse-people term meaning this is her first, not that this is immaculate conception), and she's in pretty good shape. So maybe she looks different? Or maybe I'm just hopeful. (Delusional?) I don't know. I would like to be able to leave the house without worrying something will happen... I may just do that today. We'll see how she looks. I have some shopping I really need to get done.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're going through so much. Maiden mares are tough to figure out. You're doing good just watching her close. It helps if you have a due date. I have them pretty much figured to a couple days either way. I have 5 of my friends mares to foal out. The one due April 2nd is a maiden mare, she has just started to show that she is thinking about bagging. The one due April 6th has a big enough bag that I think she may go by Sunday,I just watch very close. I'm still not setting my alarm to check her in the middle of the night. When I refer to hips dropping, which is probably not the correct term, their once round behind becomes flat and jello like to the touch. The hip bones stick out like a dairy cow. That ususally indicates to me within 2 weeks I will have a foal. I foaled out the one due on the 6th last year and she came on the exact due date I wrote down. My only problem with her was I did not write down on my calender when she bagged ect. I due that now, it really helps the next year because I can look back and see that this mare started bagging a month before she was due. It takes some of the stress out of it. My mares pretty much go through the same routine every year. You will have an easier time next year with her. You have it all documented on your blog for reference, the pictures are a great idea. The good thing about all the advice is you will hit on some things that make you think "yes we have gotten to this point", and what to possibly look for next.
