Saturday, March 29, 2008

I went and got my baby monitor the other day. I LOVE it. Well, except for when it brings the lovely sound of jake brakes directly into my bedroom... It lets me sleep better. I still wake up and look out every hour and a half, but if I don't see her all I have to do is listen, and she's never having the baby, so I haven't had to go outside the last 3 nights. Which is nice, because the weather is HORRIBLE. High winds driving snow in your face, down your neck, etc.

Bella has made very little forward progress. Her bag was a bit more full this morning. Everything else seems to have gone backward...

Today my project will be making a foal blanket. Unless I can find one at the feed store. I doubt it though... I had thought I wouldn't need one, but since we're suddenly time-warped back into January, it turns out I do. Wish me luck, I am not at all handy with a sewing machine!


  1. Craigslist Seattle Area has a foal blanket listed for 30 bucks. If you are interested in it I can see if it's still available, or send you the link. I guess it would be a week or more before you got it though, that might be to long......

  2. Thanks Christy. I think it might take too long to get here... I'd hate to have them send it and have the baby come first. I did make a couple though! They're kinda hideous, I'm going to post pictures...
