Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm just hanging out... Waiting... John and the kids went to Easter dinner with my family. Mmmm, I'm sure it's tasty. But I don't mind staying home. I got the kitchen clean, even the stovetop. And I got the dogs in before they got soaked. Did some laundry. Bathed (boy did I need it, I smelled like the barn). Put some more music into my iTunes program. That's a pain in the butt, weeding out the songs you don't like. But eventually I'll have a bunch of music I like, and none that I don't!

My husband is WAY too logical. I told him she was going to have the baby while they're gone, and he said no. Then he went on to explain that he's got it all figured out. If he says no every time, he'll be right every time except for once. And I'll be wrong. Just the sort of situation a man will take advantage of, considering they're so often wrong... So I'll just let him have this one... You know I'm kidding, right? :D

Bella spent some time laying down resting. A lot of time eating. Some time acting weird, but not much... She is a hungry hungry hippo. When I go out there she hangs over the gate staring at me expectantly, wanting some goodies. She does have hay, and unfortunately I can't give her unlimited extras, she might get sick...

I'm going to go putter around in the barn, clean some poo, stare at the mare, check her water...

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