Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What happened to spring???

I finally called my vet about Bella. I was really getting worried about her having the foal in position, then dropping it back down, then in position, etc. He said that's totally normal and they might do that for a couple weeks. Big sigh of relief. Plus, it's been over a week... So... Maybe there will be an end to this madness!

I also talked to the lady I'm taking lessons with, who breeds horses. Learned something new from her too. A drop in the barometric pressure can be a good time for them to foal. She said Bella would probably have it today. I think she was just trying to make me feel better. I hope she's right! Don't think so though. She uses a baby monitor for her foalings, and she says it works really well so you know when you need to check (moaning and groaning) as opposed to when they're just lying down. I'm going to go get one today. I had thought it wouldn't reach this far but her barn is a lot farther from her house than mine and she said it works great.

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