Thursday, April 03, 2008

Okay then, I finally got my daughter to agree to the name. His name is Scout. He just happens to be named after a girl, but she's a scrappy, brave, strong, and loyal girl. Kinda stubborn too, but we'll ignore that part. If you've ever read To Kill a Mockingbird you know why I admire her. It also happens to be the name of Tonto's horse, so I'll have to start watching some Lone Ranger...

Welcome to the world little Scout!

Thank you all so much for all your thoughts and prayers. This has been a rough time. It's amazing how deeply they worm their way into your heart.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Now Andrea you can relax and enjoy him. Love the picture of her racing along behind him. I have one just like it with my pinto mare chasing Stormy. She really had a time with him and I am sure Bella will too. Am SO glad he is OK. WSU is wonderful. Love the name - my sister namer his Chiuawa(I know the spelling is wrong) puppy Scout. Get some rest.

  2. Anonymous4:20 PM

    How nice.... I owned a gelding named Scout 30 years ago. I bought him as a 3 year old and only had him a little over a year.I named him Scout.He was fast, loved to jump ditches and mostly ran away with me several times.He was green broke when I got him . I was 24 then and thought I could train him !! lol...I ended up selling him to a Trainer needing a pony horse at a race track in Louisiana ! I'll bet he tried to outrun the horses he ponied to the track ! HE WAS REALLY TOUGH!!! Doris

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Soooooooo soooorry I forgot to tell you how good looking this fellow really is !!!I would love to own him ! Doris

  4. Thanks Doris! There's no higher praise than that!

    Lea, is that the puppy that was at the meeting in February? Cute little dog!

  5. I just love those baby pictures! what breed by the way? they kind of remind me of Belgian horses, but are they mustangs? or, I am a little unsure, cause I only started coming here for a few days now, because of another blog I read told me to come see this baby! and I am so glad he is alright! I think people who are new at breeding and birthing animals ALWAYS seem to worry a lot more than they should! for example, like people worry about goats with the afterbirth, and if they don't see it, they think they didn't pass it, but most likely the goat probably ate it, and then one person worried because the goat was still passing out blood (which they normally do once in awhile for about a month) and I never worry about those things, and everyone is good. I only worry if there is no apparent reason for something, or if they get sick or something, then I do my all to make sure they get better. Anyways I hope there are a ton of pictures of Scout tomorrow!! do you live in Washington???

  6. Kim,

    You're right, he is a mustang. They come from a herd down in southern Idaho, known for more of a stock-horse type build, but they do seem to have draft in them as well.

    I'm almost in Washington, just the other side of the border in Idaho.

    Thanks for coming here to see our boy!

  7. Oh, and Kim, I just saw on your profile that you're a goat hoof trimmer! How cool. But what a job! I don't envy you. I've trimmed horse hooves and sheep hooves, and I by far prefer the horses... Not so close to the ground, not so many, and they're trained to stand for it. Well, mine are anyway...

  8. Mine are trained to stand still too. I start them at babies, I hold them in my lap, and trim them. I wouldn't like to trim other peoples horses, but I would like to trim my own, and I own 1 right, since late Sept. He's a Arab gelding, and he is 20, but he isn't going to start acting his age for another 10 years lol! Well thats my guess anyway. Today, when I rode him, I rode with my helmet and saddle pad and reins, and I worked on trotting/jogging and then halting. It went good!! my balance skills are getting good too! lol. I am also riding western, because I have a nice western saddle. But it's such a lug to put on, and get off! lol. But other than that it's a good saddle! Plus we believe that when people cinched him, they didn't allow the air to get out, and they cinched him rough and he wiggles around in the cross ties, but he's good for trims.

    I weigh like 123 lbs, so I like trimming goats that are babies, to 200 lbs, unless they are good, but when they are like 300 lbs, I definitely need some assistance wrestling them! unless they are my own, and trained for standing.

  9. Kim,

    That's cool that your goats are all trained to stand. I sure would love to have a couple dairy goats someday. I've milked some to help out on a local farm, but that's about all the experience I have with goats.

    The sheep I trimmed are wonderful sheep, but they're in a flock of about 120 and of course you can't train them all to stand. Just try to make it as pleasant as possible so they won't worry too much next time. There were two of us, otherwise it would have been impossible to do! We tried hiring a local farrier who was game to give it a try with the two of us holding, but that wasn't much easier. I sure do love working with sheep, they're really neat, sweet animals.
