Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Please pray for our wee man. He's still not pooping and he's hurting really bad. I'm taking him in to WSU. The vet says we need to either ultrasound or x-ray, and he doesn't have the equipment to penetrate that far. It's either an obstruction (I hope) or a twist.


  1. Would mineral oil make him pass poop? is he drinking enough?

  2. Hope he's going to be ok. Dang. Give him some coffee.. oh wait, that works on human toddlers. Hmmm. Hope the docs have good news.

  3. I'm praying for ya!! Are you taking Bella in with him, or just wee man by himself?

    Hang in there, and us know ifwe can help in any way!!

  4. Hang in there, a twist in foal usually gets bad fast. Unfortunately experienced it once. I'll be prayin' for him. He's too cute!

  5. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Oh he is so beautiful! I know nothing about colts, but the twist thing sounds like something we don't want wee man to have. Hang in there, I am rooting for you both. Tell us how he is.
