Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bella and I went for a two mile walk today. It was pretty uneventful. But I did remember to take my camera this time. I think my picture taking skills were on vacation though.

Good news on Melissa's new horse. She unloaded like a good girl last night and she's settling in very nicely and following Melissa around like a puppy. She hasn't been introduced to the other horse and donkey yet. I think Rosie, Melissa's other horse, will be very happy to have a real horse instead of just a donkey to live with. :)

Had a little scare today, thought my computer was toast. Don't know what it was doing, but after some time off it re-booted just fine. Scary. I better get my pictures backed up. Funny thing is, I had just been thinking how much more I could get done if I left the computer turned off. Hmmm...

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