Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cisco is from Nevada! I got the info from a very nice lady named Amy at the California BLM office. He was born in 96, captured in 98 and adopted the next spring. Lucky boy.

Information on Stone Cabin HMA:
The very first Congressionally approved wild horse gather after the passage of the Wild Free-
Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 was conducted in this HMA.
In the late 1980's, the University of Minnesota conducted a fertility study in the Stone Cabin
HMA. There are still two collared horses from that study in this area.
This HMA was historically home to the "Stone Cabin Grey" type of horse. Recent gathers and
drought have reduced these animals, so few remain.

That's sad.

I do know of one other horse from Stone Cabin. Augustus! He seems like a sweet boy and he and Eric are really going to go places, I can tell. :)

I was going to try to upload a map that shows where Stone Cabin HMA is, but it didn't work. So I'll just mention that it's in south central Nevada, and US HWY 6 runs though it. One of these days I'm going to have to go on a road trip and see the areas all my mustangs come from. Would be a long trip though, with them coming from 4 different states so far...

Oh, Linda, you asked about who trained him. As far as I could tell it was the lady's husband. To be honest, she talked so much I couldn't make sense of a lot of it.

Amy the nice BLM lady is going to send me a letter stating that he was titled, but they can't send me a replacement title. Makes sense, since it's not their job to keep track of who is the legal owner. I wish I could have a pretty title for him though!


  1. Cisco is so stout! Is he taller than Tonka? It's hard to tell in pictures.

  2. Andrea, We used to go thru there regularly when my mom lived in AZ. We would see the horses there regularly. That was before mustangs though. It was always thrilling though. Enjoy, he looks good.

  3. Kara, No, he's a little shorter than Tonka. 14.3. I'm not sure how tall Tonka is now, and I think he just grew some, but he's at least 15 hands.

    Lea, I'm so jealous! I have yet to see horses in the wild. One of these days...

  4. I wonder if that's the band where they filmed Misfits? That was Nevada, too.

    Oh, and for the record, I was just at Kara's site and I've claimed "Beauty" (Tracy's site) as Beautiful's mom--just so everyone knows. That's her mom, kay? Prove me wrong! LOL. wink wink (I'm really not crazy--but I'm still claiming her.)
