Sunday, December 07, 2008

I think I'm going to need two big cups of coffee this morning.

Today we're thinking about calling my friend who offered to let us cut down a Christmas tree on her property and see if she's busy. We might just load up 3 horses and all ride out to find the perfect tree. Only problem is there are 4 of us... I thought I could probably put Liam on behind me because Tonka has been so good lately, but you never know, he might really be weirded out by a squirmy kid back there. Katia was rather opposed to him riding with her, but that may just have to be the way it goes. I was thinking we could go get Coda since my niece isn't riding him anyway, but I'm not sure we could fit 4 full size horses in our 3 horse trailer unless we took the tack room out which I don't really want to do.

Yesterday we did some Christmas shopping down in Lewiston/Clarkston. John got a great deal on a work and riding coat at Corral West since they're going out of business. Only $40 for a $100 coat. Still, it makes me sad they're going out of business. The farm store didn't have the bit I wanted. I just need a plain old Reinsman sweet iron loose ring snaffle. I'm pretty happy with those, have two, but need a new one so all 3 trained horses can have one. I did buy some horse detangler for my stocking, some tiny work gloves for Liam because he's dying to have some, and some very specific Wranglers for my brother in law. Then we went to Costco. On a Saturday. And we didn't buy more than 5 things. Mostly kid gifts, but I also got a new calendar.

I forgot to get Probios for Tonka! Urgh... It's horribly expensive around here in little tiny tubes, but they usually have the big ones that are much cheaper in Lewiston. Dang it. I'll have to order some from Jeffers.

Okay, time to get on with the day. Hope you're all having a great Sunday!

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