Friday, January 09, 2009

A day of good, good, wonderful things!

First, my saddle is going to be mine today! See:
01/09/2009 8:14 A.M. OUT FOR DELIVERY

Second, Tonka has had his last shot of Naxcel! (I hope) Out with the old:

In with the new:

He will now be on tetracycline for a month. Or back on the Naxcel if the abscess starts to get worse.

AND, it's a glorious, bright, sunshiny day. I hope it lasts long enough for me to get my work done and go for a little ride. Tonka says hi. He's perfectly okay with his unkempt state and uneven forelock. He dares society to judge him. (I may have to do something about it though.)

And guess what?


Chicken butt!
(My daughter was horribly offended the first time I said that to her. When I was a kid, I thought it was hilarious. Kids these days...)

Have a great day!


  1. Love the chicken butt picture!

    Where I used to work for my old horse Taffy's board, they had some chickens that just wandered around. My favorite was one named Skitty. She could be way up by the barn and I'd be out by some of the other stalls that were a ways out and if you yelled out "here chick-chick-chicken!" she would come running! She could be a racing chicken, lol. A couple times she even ate out of my hand. I wonder if Cody would like a chicken for a pet, lol.

    I will keep my fingers crossed that Tonka does well on his new meds!

  2. Yes, hope Tonka does well with the pills...gotta be happy to not get the shots anymore. I'm surprised he tolerated it this long...what a guy!

    I bet you're on pins 'n needles for your new today!!!!

    Hope you get a ride in...with the new saddle?!?!?

  3. Had it on Tonka yet? I had some kind of a bug this afternoon so did not get out much. I keep wondering if I would possible win the saddle giveaway every month but not so far. I need to get up to Will Rogers and get the saddle pad that I looked at when I was getting Bob's helmet for christmas. Love the chicken butt picture too.
