Tuesday, January 06, 2009

If you can, visit Linda's Blog to see a story of horses rescued in Spokane, and find information on how you can help. Even a stray $10 would help.

Thanks for all the thoughts and advice on Bella's problem. She has been on MSM and yesterday I ordered some B-L pellets (it's an herbal anti-inflammatory). I had a chiropractor out but nothing changed. The kelp is tempting. I wonder if it's safe to give with her other supplement? The last few weeks I've been giving her Equerry's Combined Rx, which has lots of good stuff in it. The makers, who are VERY nice people, gave me a nice free sample of it last year. But I'm almost out and I can't afford more. Tonka's vet bill pretty much broke us this month. But back to Bella. The MSM doesn't seem to be helping, but it's cheap and I don't think it can hurt so I'm going to keep her on it. Not sure if the Equerry's could help in this short amount of time, but I hope it's done something. The lameness is so hard to see unless you watch her play or work her, that I don't know how bad it is at any given time. I hadn't thought she was in much pain from it, but after noticing her coat the other day I wonder. A bad coat like that is common in horses with chronic pain. My vet has cautioned me twice not to breed her again in case it ruptures, which is usually a death sentence. In September I assured him that there's no way I would breed her even if she was healthy and sound, but he told me again anyway. Maybe he forgot, or maybe he just wants to be extra sure.

Today my goal was to work with Bella and saddle her up. Haha. Not happening... It's been sleeting and raining cats and dogs. So instead I'll ask you a question.

Which of the following photos do you like best? I want to make a thank you card for my vet. Maybe a booklet with all the critters in it, so don't be surprised to find this question again in the coming days, with pictures of the other horses.

Choose your top 3, and tell me in what order you like them. Gosh, I sound bossy, don't I?

#1 - I like this one because it shows the BLM poster in the background. This was our first (and only, so far) ambassadorial mission to a BLM adoption. I can't wait to go back up there and ride. They probably won't be having any more adoptions there, but I will make a special trip one of these days. I loved riding out there.

#2 - Kinda pretty with the white fence and green grass. Green grass looks really nice to me right now! And I like his tail in this one.

#3 - Full-body shot with the nice summer coat, but I don't like how long his body looks here. I also don't like that I look like a dork, but I guess I have to face up to it...

#4 - Just a cute sweetie, would be a good one for a bubble with the words "Thank You!"

#5 - I think he looks handsome here, but a horse butt really doesn't say "thank you."

So... What do you think? Thanks for your help!


  1. I don't know--I like horse butts- so I vote for the last one--and he's kind of looking back like he's saying thank you!

    Thanks for the mention of the horse rescue. I hope if someone out there is looking--they consider adopting one of those. Pam Swiderski is doing all the work--stardusty@hunterjumpers.com if you want to email her. She's not asking for anything other than adopters, but people are coming together and giving what they can to make it all possible until homes are found. :)

    I've found, and you'll all probably agree--horses that have been that abused sure seem thankful when given food and shelter.

  2. #2 I agree, the green grass sure is nice to look at! And you both look like you're having fun.

    #1 Not sure, just liked this one.

    #3 I like that you are both in there, I don't think his body looks all that long, and you're holding a ribbon, so you could use it as a 'thanks for the blue ribbon care' or something like that.

    Gotta love the weather, hmm? It's raining here and there are lakes in the backyard.

  3. I like number 2.

    Arnica...put it directly on the affected area. Effected? Right on the spot.

    Check with the feed store on the kelp. I know several people who use it for sheep. I always wondered if it was legal to just to pick up seaweed at the beach. Years ago (watch out, story time) my neighbors use do to make a product using the seaweed, claiming it was full of all sorts of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Mins...I guess...and so they combined the words and called it Sea-Min. I can't imagine why it never sold...

  4. I like number 2.

    Arnica...put it directly on the affected area. Effected? Right on the spot.

    Check with the feed store on the kelp. I know several people who use it for sheep. I always wondered if it was legal to just to pick up seaweed at the beach. Years ago (watch out, story time) my neighbors use do to make a product using the seaweed, claiming it was full of all sorts of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Mins...I guess...and so they combined the words and called it Sea-Min. I can't imagine why it never sold...

  5. In order of preference, #4, 1, 2.

    Kelp can be ordered on line, though that route is fairly pricey. I get mine at the feed store, I think just about every one of them over this way carries it. It shouldn't hurt to add it to other suppliments, it's all natural. I have yet to hear of any side effects from using it with other supplements.

    Maybe you should have Bella do some stomach excersises and topline building ones, to strengthen the tendon. Not sure if it would hurt more or not though. But worth asking about.

    The Arnica would be great to use, but finding the spot on that long tendon that's injured might be hard to do.

  6. I like #4 because he looks cute and thankfull all at the same time.

  7. `I like 2 the best my second would be 4. Don't know why, I just do. Hope to get to see you soon.

  8. I like 2 best, then 3, 4, 1, 5. @ because it's a very clear, well lit shot of both of you. I actually like the butt shot, but I think you are right, it's not a "greeting card" sort of shot, unless it's a humor card...

  9. I like #4 best because he looks so cute and is looking right at the camera...a great "Thank you" pic. Next choice is #2 because you both look really good (beautiful tail) and it's green. I'm tied at 3rd for #1 and #3. I like #3, and if the lighting was better, I'd pick it as second...his body doesn't look that long. He looks very stout.

  10. 4 then 2 then 5

    He does have a super sweet face and the bubble idea would be perfect for that shot I think!

    The riding shot is a nice one too...yes, love the tail.

    Then the butt shot is a pose that I always have a hard time of getting the right angle on...you did good...it really shows the whole horse nicely balanced...it's good!

    LOL...after all these comments, you're just going to be more confused!!! ;~)
