Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thought I'd share a little of our ride today with you.
(Yep, my lens is dirty.)

These banks on the side of the road were helpful, like a mirror. I could check whether he was getting his hind end under him in the back-up. He wasn't.

These hills just do not photograph well. This was a great view that went on for miles, but here in 2D it doesn't look like much. Tonka's ears are cute though.


  1. I am so jealous. I wish I could ride outside :-( If I tried that today I'd probably have frozen to death.

  2. Yeah, I heard the high was -5 F today at my parents house in WI. Hope my ponies all have their ears intact still!

  3. LOL Kara, I have been checking ear temps every night and morning to make sure they're staying warm. So far so good!! I keep thinking about that poor mustang on the internet adoption with no ears and pray mine don't end up looking like that after this cold spell!

  4. You're right, cute ears :) Looked like a perfect way to enjoy a sunny day!

  5. Would not have dared to ride here today. Not too cold, just heavy very thick fog. Could not see the mailbox which is just across the road in front of the house. It was really awful. Am glad you got to ride. I am jealous.

  6. Geez, Andrea, it's like you're back to normal over there!!!! How did you get so lucky??? I'm super, super jealous. It's all fog and mud and snow here still. I hate it.

  7. I don't know why our weather is so wonderful, but I'm taking full advantage of it! The forecast looks wonderful for the next 10 days. Lots of riding in my immediate future!

    That Wisconsin weather sounds HORRIBLE. Hope it warms up soon.

  8. Glad you're able to get out and ride...we're having the same warm spell down here...very unseasonable.

    I've never seen a rigging like the one on your new saddle...very interesting. Are you liking it now?

    I always love the photos with the horse's ears in them, and you got some good shots of them playing too...good job!
