Saturday, March 21, 2009

The absolute best performance
Mustang Sally and Laird McCabe
Stunning. You had to be there.
Because my pictures definitely do it no justice.

That's it for me tonight. Going home in the morning, and maybe tomorrow night I'll have some pictures of mustangs in the Extreme Cowboy Race tonight. Maybe not though, these pictures are wearing me out.
Those of you staying for the Cowboy Race finals, have a blast! Wish I could join you!


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Laird's performance as absolutely stunning. I'd been watching him on Thursday while working Steve Holt! in the arena before the competition and had been very impressed. He was heads and tails above the rest and it really showed on Saturday.

    Ruben Villasenor adopted his mare back; she wasn't shown due to an injury. There was a second Sally there that was sent home with Josh and Erica as a TIP horse.

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Heh...seems Darling is signed in on my computer, but that was me, the Desperate Horsewife :>
