Friday, March 13, 2009

I made this Google Calendar a couple weeks ago to try to organize in my mind what events I want to go to with my horse. I thought I'd share in case anyone local finds it helpful. What's really cool is that you can click on the day you want to look at and all the detailed info pops up! Neat! I plan on updating it periodically, but it's kind of time consuming so I can't guarantee everything is on there. If you know of an event in the Eastern Washington or North or Central Idaho area that I don't have on there, tell me and I'll add it. Here's the address for the calendar:

Hmm... It will only show this month. How irritating. I'll try to figure that out later.

I took Scout for his little walk yesterday. He was very alert and a little worried at times, but really a very good boy. We didn't go to the highway because the road right near there was all packed snow. Too slick to be on the end of the lead rope of a freaked out horse. We went the other way instead, and then turned around and headed home. Some horses were calling to him and he got pretty excited, tried a little hop skip & a jump, twice, but came back under control fairly easily. Then when we got home I tied him up and groomed him and touched up his hooves. He's a little crooked in the hind feet so trimming a tiny bit more often is a good thing. I also wanted to make sure he looks good for his trip to the health clinic on Saturday.

Alas, it looks like he won't be going to the health clinic. My son got a pretty bad fever yesterday, along with a bad cough. My mom was going to watch the kids while I took the mustangs to the vet, but she has a bad immune system so can't do it with sickness around. I may still take the ones I know won't freak out, Tonka and Cisco & maybe Bella, and make the kids sit in the truck. Assuming the snow on the driveway melts...

Thanks to having a sick boy to cuddle, I didn't play with any of the big horses yesterday. And I had wanted to ride while the ground was still frozen. Oh well...

A funny quote from my son last night: "Oh thweet! I just coughed up some phlegm!" We all cracked up. What a strange thing to get so very excited about.

Now that I've grossed you out, let me share a totally unrelated discovery with you. Splenda may not be not good diet food. I'm not talking from the point of view of those people who think processed foods are bad. But yesterday I was looking around, and it looks like Splenda may have a higher glycemic index than sugar. Which means that it raises your blood sugar even more than sugar does, which will keep weight on, not take it off. Not to mention being bad for diabetics and hypoglycemics. Straight sucralose is fine, it's the filler they put in Splenda, maltodextrin, that raises the GI. Now, I also found sites that recommended it as a good sweetener for diabetics, so either they didn't do their research, or the other sites were wrong. I don't know which is the case, but I'm going to switch to agave nectar, which has a low glycemic index, for my coffee.


  1. Cool calendar! Where'd you find that? Or is it something you created?

    BTW...Angus is one good looking pup!

  2. Hey Tracey. Sorry, I posted that and then had to go back and edit, and added the explanation. So now it says, but yes, I created it on Google Calendar. :)

    About Angus, Thanks! He's a special guy.
