Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Results for the NW Extreme Mustang Makeover will be sent to my Twitter, and thus my Blog, through my handy Cell Phone. Ahh, the joys of technology. You can see the Twitter widget to the left there. I could probably have posted directly to my blog through my husband's even handier cell phone, but that would be too complicated for my techno-tard brain.

I never thought I would be a Twitter-er. But it's just too handy for this sort of situation. I stole the idea from the Pioneer Woman.

Getting ready for the big trip! Taking the car in to be worked on today. The brakes are acting suspicious. I figured I better get that looked at before we go on such a long trip.

I've also got to move a stack of hay that was rudely left naked to the elements when my hay shelter (Costco tarp carport) ran away a couple days ago. If anyone sees a stray carport, let me know, it may be mine. Probably crumpled up in a ditch somewhere like a dead spider.

Then I'll fill all the troughs, mix Coda's supplement in handy one serving baggies, and go get my mom so she can sit on the kids. Whoops, I mean babysit. Farm-sit. Whatever. I'm just glad she's willing to do it! We haven't done anything like this, with no kids, in years! Can you tell I'm excited?


  1. Cool! I like the twitter idea! I might have to do that for the Midwest Mustang Challenge.

    Have fun, and take lots of pictures!

  2. My car is going in today for a tune-up before the drive down to Oregon too. This is going to be fun to meet people! Where are you staying?

    Ooh, and a feed store up Tracey's way had a nice selection of rope and I got myself another long piece of 1/2" cotton for a driving line (to go with what I already had) and then a 14' length of a yacht braid type rope that has a nice feel to it.

  3. Jessie, I have my extra camera battery on the charger now. :) So nothing should get in the way of my picture taking! Except maybe dim arena and fast action blur... I'll have to read up my camera settings.

    We're staying at the Phoenix Inn. Where are you staying? Are you going to be there for the fitting and ground stuff on Thursday? We should look for each other. But how will we know each other??? Red carnations? I thought about making a name tag with my name and a picture of Tonka on it, but I'd feel like too much of a dork. I might have to *gasp* put a self-portrait on my blog. *Cringe*

  4. I'm going to be there Friday morning, wasn't able to get off work to leave early enough for the Thursday stuff. I think Tracey said she'd be at the NWHS booth at 9am? Want to meet there? My mom and I are staying at the Econolodge I think.

  5. How exciting! I wish I could go! I'm going to the midwest makeover, though. I look forward to pictures and updates on how all the mustangs I've been following did!

  6. See you there Andrea. I am staying with Debby from Ellensburg at Econolodge. Have a safe drive. I am certainly challenged. I don't know what Twitter is.

  7. I'll do my best to be at the NWHS booth at 9AM Friday.
