Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I just love my Bella-belle. She's so peaceful, polite, and wonderful. She's wormed her way right into my soul, this girl. I just can't say enough nice things about her.

These are the eyes I fell in love with at the adoption.

Here's Cisco's mud fever. They all seem to be improving, but Soxy is going to take a while.

And here are my dirty boys today. I never did get to spend time with Tonka today, other than to take him a few carrots. Scout looks fat here, but he really isn't. Maybe he's just stoutly built.
Bella made some great progress in her acceptance of the hose today. She tries so hard. She didn't leap but once, and she stood nice and still and even ate some grass while I hosed her legs. Oh, and I don't know if you all remember my very worried post about her shutting down a while back. She hasn't been doing that since then. I guess maybe she was having a really bad day that day. Or maybe it was me. Or who knows...

I don't have a whole lot to write about tonight, but I thought I better post some pictures since I have been neglecting that part in my blogs lately. We have some great weather coming! I hope you all do to, and that you can enjoy it with your horses.


  1. Bella and Catlow are such similar's amazing, especially since they even look a little alike! What herd did Bella come from?

  2. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Bella has such a beautiful face - and what a marvelous, kind eye - thank you for sharing your pictures!

  3. Kara, she's from Black Mountain HMA in the Owyhee mountains near Boise. Did you say once that Catlow was from the Oregon side of the Owyhees? Maybe they have the same genetic background, even if they aren't related...

    Thank you!

  4. She is a sweetheart. Enjoy the nice weather, though, I should tell you, I'm hoping for rain! We just seeded.

  5. Catlow is from the South Steens herd, which isn't all that super far away, but probably it's just coincidence.

    I really think Catlow is a watch mare. She prefers to be up on top of the hills in her pasture where she can see everything that's happening. And if anything new occurs, she must watch. Cody and Chico will come to check it out, but then they'll leave and go eat. Catlow needs to watch for a long time to be sure she understands what happening before she leaves.
