Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm home. Great trip. Grandma is doing great, got out of the nursing home yesterday. My other Grandma and Grandpa look great too, and I got to see some aunts and uncles I hadn't seen in years. I think my dad was happy to have a visitor even though I kept him running around more than he's used to.

My niece gave us a scare today. She and her friend started a rock slide (by accident of course) and ended up in the ER. She is okay but her friend was hit hard by a big boulder and fractured a vertebra. She has an 80% chance of healing up okay, so hopefully all will be well. I'm sure it really hurts right now though.

Now that I'm home, it's back to the grind! After an 8 hour trip home I visited with the kids and then spent a couple hours getting some stuff done outside. I'm a little concerned that Soxy is not transitioning to grass as well as I had hoped. I am penning her up at night in the mustang pen, which means cleaning a bunch of old alfalfa up. Other than that it was the usual feeding routine, pretty easy except that Bella and Cisco and Soxy made me make 3 separate trips to bring them in. If I was smart I would have grabbed more than one halter and not expected them to follow the leader.

I don't even want to think about the list of stuff to do tomorrow. Most of the fun stuff will be put off though, we're having a birthday party and I've got to do some housework. I hate housework. But having guests when my floors are this grimy is probably not socially acceptable...


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Good luck with the chores - I'm a charter member of the dirty floor club myself! What's up with Soxy and the grass?

  2. I was a little worried about Soxy foundering. I switched them onto grass very slowly, and it's been a while, but she came in walking like it was almost too much work to haul her fat self around. Her feet weren't hot but I brought her in off the grass for the night anyway. Can't hurt to be careful. She went out this morning and I'll probably bring her in early this afternoon.

  3. Welcome home. Am glad your trip was good. We just got home from the adoption in Arlington. I am a member of the dirty floor club too.
