Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm not feeling quite right today. Not quite ready to give in and go to the doctor, but I'm getting a little worried.

One website I was reading says that if you have a concussion you shouldn't go back to regular activities until symptoms disappear. Do you think that means someone else will do my work for me? I wish. Being a mom and horseowner doesn't really allow for that kind of time off. Although I have been taking it easy. And I may ask someone else to feed tonight. I'm a bit dizzy. But I hate having nothing to do, and I can't even read blogs and stuff online, I can't focus that well. Darn it anyway. Doesn't leave much to do if I can't do anything physically or mentally active. I think I'll go to bed early tonight and watch a movie tomorrow.

On a positive note, my neck and back feel a lot better today.

So, enough about me. Leave me an interesting comment so I'll have something to read, if you have a moment. Tell me what's your breed of choice and why do you love them? I like to say I'm open minded, I like all horses, and that's true, but obviously I prefer mustangs. I'll get into why next time. I've been giving that a lot of thought lately. What are your thoughts?


  1. I definitely can appreciate all breeds, but by far my breed of choice is the mustang. I like them because they aren't really a "breed", they are a creation based on throwing together all the horse breeds that we like on top of old old spanish bloodlines, then letting nature take its course and select the "best" traits from them to perpetuate. Those "best" traits would be disease-free, hardy, easy-keepers (although this can be a disadvantage if you have good pastures), smart, and sensible. And that extra bit of the self-preservation instinct is part of what makes them so smart and sensible. I think that when humans "breed" horses, we do so based on some set of specifications (usually looks of some sort), and we tend to accidentally also happen to select other traits that at first aren't such a big deal, but after inbreeding, those bad traits become set and a variety of health issues pop up. Not just health issues, but mental problems too. I think that nature is the best "breeder". I am a wildlife major and I truly believe that natural selection (only the fit survive) is the best way to select for individuals. "Fit" horses have to have the smarts and stamina to survive in the wild when faced with predators, food shortages and varied terrain. At first it was a little bothered by the fact that the BLM has really started influencing the herd by turning back out the horses that they think are nice (usually attractive with our idea of nice conformation). I thought that would mess up what nature is trying to do, but then I decided that they are still under natural selection even if they are "prettier" than they used to be. But mustangs don't have to be "pretty" to survive. However, in this world of competition with cattle ranchers and wildlife, the BLM finds it necessary to gather up the "excess" animals, so for those animals, being "pretty" IS necessary to least survive in someone's backyard rather than a holding facility. Adopters do tend to go for the "pretty" horses even though we all have different things that attract us to a particular horse.

    I must also say that I like that mustangs grew up in a natural herd environment with their herd stallion and small band of mares. I think that growing up in that way creates a balanced normal horse that has learned to fit in and interact with others to survive. That's important. If a horse has abnormal behavior, they are driven out. Some abnormal behaviors can be developmental or genetic problems that affect the brain. Getting rid of those animals ensures that mustangs stay sensible and smart. I think far too many domestic horses have terrible behavior traits or hormonal imbalances that make them very difficult to work with (for both humans and other horses), but these are perpetuated because of how we breed and keep horses isolated. They don't have to learn to fit in or even be able to fit in with a herd to live in a stall.

    Sorry, that was long-winded, but I'm procrastinating from doing my physics assignment.

  2. And speaking of head injuries, my boyfriends mother (who has about 25 head of quarter horses - breeds and rides) just suffered a severe head injury today. She was out in the pasture trying to catch a horse for the farrier when one mare chased another into her. The one that collided with her had wheeled and his mom and this mare knocked heads. She was out cold for a bit, but then came to. They rushed her to the hospital because she has had a lot of head injuries (all involving horses). She has severe bleeding on the brain and they had to put in a drain to relieve the pressure in her skull. They think she'll make a full recovery, but at this point it's still uncertain. The doctor said she can never ride again because if she gets one more head injury, it will kill her (she has had bleeding on the brain at least one other time and at least 12 concussions). Too bad this one happened when she was on the ground. They are going to sell all their horses (they going to sell a lot of them anyway because it is not economical to be a small horse breeder right now). I'm sure they'll keep a few horses, but I don't know what his mom is going to do...horses are her life...her whole life. Her head injuries are not all that she's suffered around horses. She also has torn ligaments in her knee. I can't tell you how many bruises I've seen on her in just the 5 years I've known her. She is very accident prone. The only accident I've been involved with occurred when she was riding with me (her horse got tangled in a barb-wire gate and scratched my horse up too. I was unhurt, but his mom was pretty cut up and bruised - horse drug the barb wire over the top of her). Scary stuff. I feel very bad for her, and her husband and son.

  3. I hope you feel better soon! The perils of riding horses... Back to your post... After owning a couple of thoroughbreds and a couple of qh x stock horses (plus a few others in between), I can say for sure that I don't appreciate hot horses like TB's!!! Of course there are exceptions to the breed, like my Paddy. But generally I prefer horses that are put together well and have a calm temperaments. I'm don't really discriminate by breed as I'm not a competition rider or anything. I do like a good heavy horse though :) Get better ASAP!

  4. Anonymous3:05 AM

    I haven't had much exposure to mustangs, but they really seem like excellent horses - hardy and smart. I've always had a weakness for "hot" horses - thoroughbreds and crosses - but they have their behavioral and health problems - but as I get older I like the look of the working quarter horses, or maybe even a gaited horse (for my back!) or a draft cross. Actually, there isn't any horse I don't like!

  5. I hope you see a doctor. Remember what happened to that actress who fell while skiing?

    I love the Morgan horse. Foxsun is a registered Morgan and I can trace back his kin folk for about 220 years. It's Americas oldest breed. It started with a horse called Figure whom a teacher, Justin Morgan, acquired in 1789. I've owned several Morgans.

    Feast your eyes balls on these beauty's;

    People are breeding them now to be hotter, longer necked etc. I love the old fashioned version of the breed and found Fox in eastern Wyoming.

    I copied this;

    "They were highly regarded as general-purpose horses capable of performing a wide variety of tasks. During the Civil War, Morgans served as cavalry mounts and artillery horses. A cavalryman was only as good as his horse and the Morgan is mentioned in many sources as a highly desired horse during the Civil War. The First Vermont Cavalry, mounted entirely on Morgans, gained a wide spread reputation as a fighting unit. Of their more than 1200 horses, only 200 survived the war. Morgans are noted for their small ears set above a broad forehead with large, kind eyes, tapered muzzle and expressive nostrils, an arched neck set on a well angled shoulder, broad chest, short back; deep, compact bodies set on legs with flat, dense bone; round croup, and round, hard hooves. Their proud bearing gives them a distinctive beauty that catches the eye of all".

    Fox looks lovely under saddle.

  6. Thanks everyone for sharing with me! I hope there will still be some more. I like reading about what other people look for in a horse.

    Arlene, I love the idea of a Morgan too. I've never met one that wasn't the new style, hot with white around the eyes, not the type I'd want. But what I hear about the old style Morgans I really like. And reading the breed standard and looking at pictures of the ideal Morgan, they are what I love to see in a mustang.
