Saturday, May 02, 2009

I had a lot of fun not riding my horses yesterday. I just hung out with them instead. Brushed them and scratched them and warmed my hands on their sun-drenched hides. We had a good time. I even remembered my camera one of the times I went out.

Scout has the coolest spiral curls in his long forelock, but they're kinda hard to see in this picture. What you can see here is that his right eye (your left) is flatter than his left, and the eyelashes are at a different angle. Over the last few days I've been suspecting that eye isn't completely functional, as we had hoped.

Hasn't he grown into quite the handsome beefcake?

He loves to play "chase the cat."
(Yes, that is a cat. No, she doesn't have a disease. She's the one I have to clip every spring.)
I don't have any pictures of Tonka from this period because he was right next to me being an attention hog.

Then I went and loved on sweet Coda. He really enjoys a good scratching. Isn't that just about the cutest face you ever did see?

Now I have pictures of Tonka. He was really putting on a show.

I think he wants a part in the next "Alien" movie.

But he's not too picky.

He'd settle for a part in "Hee-Haw."

Lookit the difference in those butts. Scout has a much rounder, more filled out physique, even as a yearling. I wonder what he'll look like when he's old enough to go through that filling out phase. I better watch his diet!

And here again we have Mama Cat, waiting patiently for some attention.
She really should have had a better name than that, but that's the name she came with and it stuck. We should have named her Mattie. But at that time I was told her coat was nice, never matted. Yeah, right.

Today I plan on doing more of the same. Quiet time with the horses, maybe a few easy chores. My head is much better, but still tender and I have to make sure I don't overdo it. John is going to work on getting the tin up on the shelter.

Speaking of which. I had roughly planned on going to pick up the new horses next week. Now I'm not sure that's going to happen. I don't have a trip partner, for one thing. And you know, the head thing... So things are still up in the air on that.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sometimes those non-riding days can be the best! Love your pictures - the personalities of your horses really come through!

  2. Love your pictures. I wish I could go with you this coming week but I can't, I want to though but we have a couple things on the calendar and with the insurance stuff I know we will have to deal with. Maybe I can have some grooming days but my head aches pretty bad most of the time. Oh well thats life huh?

  3. Scout has always had a gorgeous build--wonder who his daddy was. He's built like a tank. Looks like your horses wintered well.
