Monday, May 25, 2009

We just got home not long ago. What a long day. We were on the road for 11 hours! What the heck? It's never taken that long before. I guess we stopped a lot.

The critters seem happy to see us. I know I was happy to see them. I shared a little quiet time with Zaz. My poor horse probably thinks I've left him for another gelding. But Zaz needs that quiet time more, and my time with him is limited.

We made a big loop this weekend, about 550 miles total. Over to the Western Washington via White Pass (I love that drive), then down through the gorge to Walla Walla and up toward home. That's the fourth time I've been through the gorge in 2009. It's getting a little boring. BUT we did see a big group of male bighorn sheep right up close. That was very cool. Didn't stop for pictures. Still kicking myself for that. We saw some mountain goats later in the drive. That was cool, its' been a long time since I've seen any of those.

We were going through Waitsburg on the way home and I detoured through downtown to see the controversial building that Linda blogged about a while back.

It was interesting, but the rest of the town was neat. I want to go here for lunch one of these days:

Okay, I'm off to bed. Travelling sure wears me out!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a nice weekend :) I remember one summer taking a day and my grandpa, grandma, mom, brother and I all piled in the car and drove around Washington. That was a LONG day.

  2. I met the guy who started the Whoopemup Cafe before he started it. He told my husband and I about his idea to open it in Waitsburg--and I really want to try it out sometime!

    What a hard decision about Bella--but it sounds like a wise one.
