Monday, June 01, 2009

I discovered something neat about Zaz today, check it out:

At first I thought I'd wet him unevenly, (I was using a soaked towel, not a hose) so I made sure to totally soak the area. What do you think this is? Dun factor? Chimerism? Brindle? I'm not up on all that to even know if they still believe brindle is a color. It sure looks neat! I wish it was visible when he's dry.

We made a lot of progress today, I'll have to tell you about it later.


  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Looks to me like he's a brindle - I'm no expert - how exciting if so! What a beautiful pattern!

  2. I'm not sure if they've ever documented a true brindle (the recent ones have all been DNA tested to be chimeras). But that doesn't mean that it wouldn't happen. Actually, I saw a thoroughbred that was roan (in a book), but the roan pattern was grouped into stripes like that. All his roan offspring were normal looking roans. But I think that roan patterns don't change the skin color...does it look like he's got different colored skin or do you think that is just hair?

  3. Brindle! That is too cool. I'm guessing you've spotted this article?

  4. Andrea - a comment on your last couple of blogs as I have been swamped here and have not been near the computer since Sat. PM. I love the coat pattern on Zaz. Really unique. As for your ideas on training. Yes, we have a strong willed stubborn horse in Rusty. She does well but its like starting over each day for a few minutes and then she does oK. sHE would not do well being pushed too hard but she does need to be pushed some or she would just walk off and look AHA I won that battle. Never have had one like her. She does trust us when all is said and done but she has to try us every minute. See you Thursday.
