Monday, June 08, 2009

Zaz made my birthday a good one.

Here he's curious and ready to run:

Curiouser and Curioser:

I couldn't decide which picture to post so you get a bunch:

Neither of these lightweight saddles fit him right, but they were easy for me to swing up there repeatedly. He did really, really well!


  1. Wow! He's really coming along and he looks great with the saddles!

    Happy Birthday!!! What a great way to spend it. :)

  2. Anonymous3:54 AM

    He looks relaxed and happy! He seems to be really coming along with all the consistent treatment you're giving him!

    A very happy birthday!

  3. What better way to spend your birthday than having a good time with a horse?

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday, late! You've come a long way with him!! Looks like you're getting attached.

  5. Happy Birthday Andrea!

  6. He's a nice little horse. He looks a bit like Echo. Happy birthday.

  7. He's a nice little horse. He looks a bit like Echo. Happy birthday.
