Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby steps. This morning Anchor let me scratch the side of his jaw on his left side, and even underneath it a tiny bit. This is the side we worked on so much the other day when getting the ropes off. That foundation work helped. He actually enjoyed having his jaw scratched, as long as I stayed within certain boundaries. He also liked having his mane scratched just behind his poll, but not on his poll.

The other side didn't go nearly as well, but I have to remember we haven't spent as much time there. He craned his neck away from me if I scratched too far forward. Eventually I went back to scratching where I know he likes it and then moved on to his foot - the same foot we worked on yesterday. It only took a few tries, and he picked it up! Barely, and it was kind of like, "I'm going to see if this is what she wants, but I'm going to run too." But it was a definite try, not just a running away, and he only took a few steps away.

So, while they may be baby steps, they're really great progress. It feels good.


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Really wonderful progress - can't wait to hear more!

  2. Baby steps are better than no steps.

  3. Baby steps are better than no steps.
