Sunday, September 27, 2009

Feeling better at the moment. The kids didn't take it too hard, but they didn't know my grandma well. They both surprised me by insisting that they want to go to the funeral and John wants to go too. I thought I'd be going alone. It will be good to have company. As long as my son behaves. That kid picked a bad day to have a bad day today. We butted heads most of the day.

I'm keeping myself occupied adding pictures to my Facebook account. They take forever to load! I realized I really didn't have many family pictures on there, but I do have turkey pictures. A little backward...

Well... I don't really have much else to say. No actually, I do! I have a little gripe. Why on earth do people insist on talking over each other? I often wonder why I even bother talking. If people won't put forth the effort to listen why should I put forth the effort to speak? I totally am okay with the talking-over issue if you're having a heated conversation with a friend, both parties passionate, feeding off each other, adding to the story/discussion/debate/whatever. I'm talking about pointless unrelated blather that cuts off whoever is speaking. It's like a slap in the face and people don't even realize they do it. Heck, I probably do it. Sorry to anyone I've done that to. Smack me next time. I'm probably just being too sensitive, but it has been bugging me lately.

Horse stuff... Hmm... Nothing much today. I wasn't in a good place for horse work. But I did scratch Anchor's jaw on the other side, and underneath a bit. No progress on the hooves.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Scratching Anchor's jaw is horse work, and good work at that!

    I know what you mean about the talking over/interrupting thing - I used to be one of the worst offenders - I had no idea how to listen at all - I've been slowly learning and now I'm a bit better but far from perfect. And I hate it when others do it to me!

  2. That's funny about the cutting you off issue--I'm guilty of that, too. Lately, it seems like I've been doing it more--like my mind wanders while people are talking and then I bring up a totally different topic. It's rude, and I need to listen better. I think I developed the bad habit with my kids and now I'm applying it to other people. Hmmm....

    Sorry about your grandma.
