Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Five years ago a horse was rescued. He could have died that year, horribly, in a slaughter house. He didn't, and he has touched so many lives since then. He has brought joy. He has been Golden. Every child who has had their first ride on him will keep him forever in their heart. As I will keep him in mine. He has been loved by many, many. He has kept our little ones safe, and brought smiles to their faces.

He has done his job well.

Rest in peace, old man.
Coda (Skipper's Gold Rush)
April 1, 1979 - October 14, 2009


  1. What a wonderful old guy and what a wonderful tribute.

  2. I'm trying to hide my tears from Kaia. So many good memories with him! What an amazing horse Coda was, a true gift. I will miss his sweet old face. Sending hugs to you.

  3. Sarah5:52 PM

    oh dear! What happened?

  4. Anonymous5:57 PM

    So sorry for your loss - but he was so, so lucky to have found you and made your life and his better.

  5. Oh dear, now I'm crying. What precious pictures. That horse was a saint! I love his kind eye and perky ears! I'm glad he was able to finish his life in a happy place, making children learn to love horses!

  6. P.S. Forgot to add, I'm sorry for your loss and hoping you are doing okay!

  7. Coda was a good horse. You gave him a good life. I would have had to make the same decision with the cold weather. I still wake up and worry that he's cold, then I remember. I miss him so much. I hope your family is doing OK.

  8. That was a very wonderful tribute to Coda. What a beautiful horse, inside and out. I'm sorry you had to make that decision to let him go, but I think it was the kindest thing to do for him. You will always have your memories of him.

  9. Have been thinking about you all day. What a tribute to a great horse. I am so sorry

  10. Thanks so much everyone. It was hard. It's not as bad now that he's gone, but it's not easy either...

    Sarah - he's been kind of sick the whole time we've had him. The vet thought maybe cancer but I don't know if he would have made it this long if that was the case. Anyway, he's been lame and in pain for a long time, but happy. Winter is so very hard on him, and it was already starting to make him miserable. Besides that, he was so unsteady on his feet I was afraid he'd fall and break a leg once it gets icy. He's also been kind of confused. We had him euthanized yesterday.

  11. Way to give him a wonderful last few years. I'm sure you brought as much joy to him as he did to you and the kids.

  12. What a horse!! He looks like one of the great ones. Do you think horses appreciate it when they're saved from slaughter? I think so--and looking at those pictures, it seems to prove it.

    Rest in peace, Coda.

    Sorry for your family's loss, Andrea.

  13. Oh, Andrea...I'm so sorry! =(
