Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good, good news! No more chemo, no new port, put that cancer in the back of the closet and forget about it for a while! Of course there is still plenty of treatment to come, but the worst is over, things are really looking up and my sister is starting to get her life back. I love it. Brings tears to my eyes, it's so wonderful.

Life really is moving on, and tonight I finally bit the bullet and sent an email asking about possible openings as a working apprentice/student with a local horse trainer. I don't know if they have openings, or if they'll think I'm the right fit (I have time constraints, what with having kids and all). So it might go nowhere. In which case I'll figure something else out. My second choice would probably be working with my vet if they have any openings. I might even get paid for that kind of work. :) Someone else suggested I write. Not sure where I'd even start with that.

No horsework today, again! I was looking back at my blog posts and you'd have a hard time realizing this is a mustang blog. I need to remedy that, soon. Weather permitting.


  1. Oh Andrea what great news. I know its just what you need to chase away the winter doldrums. My blog, this time of the year has little horse work either. However, it will come. Just write about what you can and that will be good.

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Very exciting new for your sister!

    And best of luck with the job searching!

  3. That is great news!!I would think that working/apprenticing with a trainer would be perfect for part-time hours! Good luck.
