Friday, December 18, 2009

I didn't realize it was their mud spa day or I wouldn't have taken the trouble of getting my saddle out.
"Move it, youngster!"

At least his armpit is clean. It's important to have clean armpits.

"What? It was his idea."

Tearing it up. My pasture. Literally.

Love the way his little hoof is in focus here. He's due for a trim...

Hahaha! You should've been there. This was toward the end of a good 15 foot side-slide after falling down at full speed. A good belly laugh is so good for the soul.

I wouldn't want that evil eye pointed at me!

Are you done now, boys?
(Poor old Soxy)


  1. Wow! That is a LOT of mud! That'll take forever to dry and flake off! Hope for rain!

  2. I had a Percheron colt do a slide. I was scared to death when it happened; he clambered back to his feet, shook himself, looked around to see if anyone noticed and took off again. He had hit a skid of ice under about six inches of powder snow. He landed flat on his side and slid maybe ten feet, snow flying everywhere. I sure wish I had a video of it!!!!!

  3. They look they were having a lot of fun. Good pictures.
