Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My house is too small for Christmas. Seriously. I'm not kidding. I don't enjoy decorating for Christmas.

Sometimes (okay, a LOT) I get weird songs in my head from nowhere. Right now it's If You're Happy and You Know It. (Clap your hands). Often it's Que Sera Sera. Or the 123456789 10 11 12 song from Sesame Street. Any OTHER time of year (not Christmastime) it might be a Christmas song. None of it makes any sense.

Jeffers still doesn't charge shipping if you spend over $49, but does, and they don't have the Country Cares program anymore either. (I just remembered to buy my December wormer.) If you want cash back from your shopping, you should Bing. Shop through their shopping option on their search engine and they'll pay you a percentage back. Pretty neat.

I've started watching the Walter Zettl "A Matter of Trust" dressage videos and so far I've very much enjoyed them.

I really want to ride my horse.

I really want to work with Scout.

I got home from my sister's intending to get Scout out and my butt somehow glued itself to a chair instead. Now, of course, it's too dark. To work with horses, that is. Not too dark to glue my butt to the chair again.

This concludes this session of Random Thoughts. I will now be eating cookies and decorating the Christmas tree with my kids.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure we aren't related? We have a mud pit here. Not suitable for riding/
