Saturday, December 05, 2009

My sister is getting internet! So I wanted to ask y'all to post your favorite horse-related sites that she can check out. I could also use some new reading material. Blogs are great, but interactive forums or groups would be great too. Most of the ones I'm on right now are stagnating for some reason, and I'd love a nice new friendly place to join.

In other news, it's about to get nasty here. Wind chill up to -14 tomorrow night. Only -3 tonight... You can bet I'm going to feed lots of extra hay, and feed early so I don't have to be out in the worst of it. Normally I feed around 8:00 at night. Too cold! Especially in the wind with this ear trouble.

Kate - Thanks for the suggestions on that. I'm taking Sudafed, ibuprofen, 2nd round of antibiotics, Claritin and Nasonex. I think that's it. I thought I might try mucinex, and also try to take the ibuprofen more consistently. This is no fun. And I'm hearing lots of stories about people who always have this problem and can't be helped. That would be awful! I need to find some sort of solution. I might even go so far as to try an ear candle...


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Stay warm, and out of the wind as much as possible - and cover your head and face when you have to go out.

  2. Andrea, one of my favorite forums is a Proboard forum called Equifriends. I think if you Google Equifriends, it will come up. Not too many local people, but there is one gal whom I've met who lives near Cataldo. I went with her to the Mark Rashid clinic last year. Lots of people from, oh, everywhere, Seattle, Texas, Oklahoma,Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, etc. It's neat to *meet* people from different areas and who have different things they do with their horses. There are many people with lots and lots of horse experience, and there's a non-horse-related board too. I've been on this board for at least 5 years, and most of them feel like family.

    The Yahoo site for Mark Rashid followers is journey_in_horsemanship or something like that. I belong to that one too, but just lurk and read and don't post. Lots of deep-thinking people there!

  3. I do almost all blogs now--they keep me busy. I can find just about any horse answer through them, too.

    My mom and sister are BIG time candlers, so I let them do it to me a couple of months ago. I thought my ears hurt worse afterward. I had the same problem you have, but only time helped me.

  4. I've got plenty from this site especially the archives. :)
