Friday, December 11, 2009

The surgery went fine, and they say they removed everything and saw no sign that it had spread.

It's been a really long day, and I didn't get to see my sister. I was stuck with the kids. Kids aren't allowed in the hospital because of the flu epidemic. But I did talk to her on the phone and she sounded good. I'm going to drive up again tomorrow and visit her. She's hoping to get out tomorrow.

BTW - DO NOT go see Light Before Christmas at the Imax theater. It's all of 20 minutes long, and it's pretty awful. There goes 60 some dollars plus parking, for nothing. I was trying to keep the kids' minds off their mom but that didn't take up much of the time. Luckily kids are pretty easily amused. They spent the day watching TV and playing games on the computer. Walked the dogs a few times.

I'm going to go try to get some sleep. Thank you all so much for all the kind comments.


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    So glad all went well - that's very good news!

  2. WHOOOOHOOOO! We've been praying like crazy in our corner of the world for you, your sister, and your family. SO glad to hear that she is doing well, and please know we'll still be keeping everyone in our prayers!!!


  3. That's wonderful that they didn't see any signs of spreading. I hope your sister is doing well and heals quickly and has some peace of mind during Christmas.

  4. That is really good news. I really hope all this is all behind her now and it sounds like it is. That was good of you to keep the kids amused.

  5. Oh Andrea, that is so wonderful. Here go prayers for a quick recovery.
