Thursday, January 14, 2010

I had a much better day today. I didn't feel too great, but got through the work and even worked some horses without getting too dizzy. I think I was feeling discouraged the other day mostly because I was sick.

Today I worked with Cimarron, the kiger cross, and with a nice fox trotter gelding. Soon I'll be riding Cimarron, which is cool, but kind of makes me nervous because he did buck a guy off once. But apparently the guy let him get away with murder and rode "like a sack of doorknobs." I'll try not to make that mistake. :)

Speaking of Cimarron, I've always thought that would be a good name for a horse. And it's a really neat old town in New Mexico. I wouldn't mind living there. I once stayed there for a weekend. My mother was a whore and my step dad was shot in a gunfight. It was great. Let me explain - it was a western reenactment weekend. We got to stay at the haunted St. James Hotel. Eerie. Very eerie. My sister and I stayed in the new part of the hotel, but there was sure a weird vibe about the old part, especially in the area of a very violent ghost, and my mom has some great ghost stories about the room she stayed in. Follow the link above to read about it - many famous names such as Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, Buffalo Bill Cody, and the explanation about the violent ghost. I remember the bullet holes in the ceiling. There's a famous ranch in Cimarron too, but I don't remember the details on that.


Oh yeah, I actually rode my horse today! I caught him with DRY mud and I got him out and chipped it off enough to saddle him up. Quite a chore. Got in a very short ride. It was great. When I put him up I blanketed him so he'll stay clean. I'm going to ride tomorrow too. Hopefully will get to go somewhere interesting instead of staying home.


  1. Sounds like a much better day. I'm surprised they're letting you ride so soon, that says a lot about their faith in your ability. Hopefully you can get some pics of Cimarron--the horse. I'm excited to see him.

  2. Cimarron is a broke horse, so it shouldn't be an issue. I think Bill wants me to be able to ride out with him when he goes out on colts in the mountains. Soon we'll be taking a client's horse out for his first trip being ponied in the woods. Luckily I don't have to pony him! He's a nice colt though, I don't think he'll totally freak out.

  3. OMG! Your mother was a whore and your step dad was shot in a gunfight. That really made me laugh out loud!
