Sunday, January 24, 2010

Last night we took Scout and Cisco for a little walk around the property and down by the creek. They are both going to have to get used to dogs darting around. I think Cisco has had bad experiences with stock dogs chasing him.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do today. I might take Scout out to the round pen and cinch a bareback pad onto his back. I wanted to put a real saddle on him, because I'm impatient and wouldn't that be a cool picture for the blog? But my sister had a good point. The bareback pad is easier to get used to, and why not take an extra step and some extra time to help him out. I also need to make some chili, which I've never done before because John hates beans. He said he'd try to eat them though. So that ought to be fun. I might do some crafty things with the kids too.

Well, now that all the family knows what's going on, I have bad news to share with you all. My sister's cancer has moved into the bone, in her sternum. It had been hurting her during chemo, but they were already doing all they could so they didn't check it. They saw it last week when they did her CT scan in preparation for radiation. They're going to do a bone scan next week. We don't have enough info to know exactly what it means, but it does mean that it's metastasized, which makes it stage 4 cancer, and that's not good. It's good that it's in her sternum, not ribs or other bones. With that they can keep it at bay longer.

Sooo... We're all totally shell-shocked here. I don't even know what more to say.


  1. Andrea--I'm sorry to hear that, I don't know what to say either. Is she in a support group of any kind? It might help her to be with other people who have real experience with this hideous cancer. I HATE cancer, and I HATE that your sister has it.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that. Your sister and you with be in my thoughts.

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'm sorry to hear that - your sister and your family are in our thoughts.

  4. Oh Andrea. How awful. What can we do to help you and help her? Is there anything at all? I would come down to do something if I knew what to do. Cancer is so insideous. Our prayers are with you.

  5. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Tina from Oz here. Bugger. I was hoping you and your sis and family would be able to move on. I am very close to my sis too and it must be so hard for you to see her deal with this. My very best wishes go out to you all. XXX

  6. Andrea, How scary for you all. I wish so much I could help. I do know John Edwards wife has breast cancer that has gone to her bones and she's doing okay. Maybe you could find out what kind of treatment Elizabeth Edwards is getting. Your sister and all of you are in my thoughts. xxx
