Friday, January 22, 2010

Not such a good day today. But the horsey portions were just fine. I got all three boys out and tied them for a little while and groomed them.

Scout paws at the trailer. I need to park myself nearby with a bucket full of pebbles to chuck at his butt. He also got a short and easy continuation of his groundwork that we worked on yesterday.

Cisco was a little worked up at first, but calmly stood at the trailer for about an hour.

Tonka did the same, only not quite as calmly. The temperature has dropped, the wind was up, and he didn't like being left alone.

I was busy on the phone.

I am thankful for my joyous wiggle-butt puppy who can always make me smile and for the fact that I'm not working.

Weird, after a stressful afternoon we decided to go to a restaurant in town for dinner. Just after our appetizer my sister's family showed up and was seated two tables from us. We asked to be moved and scooted a couple tables together. My niece's friend was with them - her brother got thrown from a truck and run over today. Send him some healing thoughts. He's going to be okay but I don't think he's feeling too great. I'm sure his parents are freaked out.

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