Monday, February 08, 2010

I was a slug when it came to horse work today. Just not feeling up to snuff, so I didn't bother messing with them. Of course, after it was dark I had plenty of energy. Didn't do me much good though, considering there's no outside light.

BUT I just had to share with you all! I put all my weight on Scout's back twice tonight at feeding time. Just climbed up on the feeder and draped myself over. No problemo. Well, other than him moving away when my foot brushed his knee. On the other side I rubbed his leg with my foot first. He was such a good boy. Granted, he was eating alfalfa, so that's kinda cheating. But it was still awesome!

Scout's going to be one heck of a horse if I can just keep him from feeling like work is no fun. I'm not quite sure how to do that, but I just ordered a book that might help me out. Countdown to Broke, I think it's called.

Also, my son, who hates to read (it's worse than pulling teeth) didn't want to put his book down tonight! We got him Diary of a Wimpy Kid and he's totally loving it! I'm not sure how much he's comprehending, but that will come if he'll just keep reading. I ordered the rest of the Wimpy Kid books along with my training book. (Actually I used them as an excuse to go ahead and order the one for myself. What's one more?)

All in all, a very good night.


  1. Working with them was not so fun today. How do you deal with them when some of the time they lead well and some of the time just stiffen up and won't give an hairs breadth. I plan to have Rusty saddled this week and work on trailer loading.l Thats my big goal. I wish we lived closer so I coulde watch how you do it and you could watch how I do it. All in all Rusty is doing great.

  2. Sounds like he's going to be easy for you to train.

    I think I've seen those Wimpy Diary books. I'm glad they have something interesting for boys now--I always had a hard time finding good books for my son. At the time, he always wanted to read Sponge Bob Square Pants--I don't those qualify as real books. :(

  3. Lea, that would be so fun to play with the horses together! Sounds like Rusty got over her little bump in the road. I've been reading your blog.

    Linda, I hope he's easy to train! He's got an ornery streak a mile wide sometimes.
