Saturday, February 20, 2010

A nice little ride today and nary a picture to show for it. Dad? Did you get any?

My dad's friend and her son came up for a visit today. I grew up with them but then they moved away, and now they live not far from us. Good to see them after so many years. I took Soxy and Tonka over, and dad saddled up Sox, and we all took a short little ride down the road. Chris offered to ride Tonka but boy, I just couldn't hand over the reins of my "special" boy. Partly because I know he's not really safe, although Chris is a pretty darn courageous rider. But mostly because he's my boy. I love him too much to hand him over to someone else to take down the road. My daughter in the round pen is one thing, but... Do any of you have proprietary feelings toward your horses? Or should I say, do any of you not? I think most of us tenderhearted women folk get real attached to our horses.

Anyway. When I rode Tonka I just jumped on and rode, no pre-flight checklist or anything. He did his lama-neck thing several times, but was totally awesome for the most part. I love my horse, even if he is a little spooky.

Soxy was awesome too, of course. She's a good old girl.

We have a ride planned for tomorrow, just me and John and Katia. It should be lots of fun. Sunshine. But I hope it's not windy like it was today. I was COLD by the time we were done.

1 comment:

  1. The list of people I will let ride *my* horse is very short - like two. While I think she would be okay with other riders I don't want my training undone by careless riding.
